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membership application
Sadly due to the pending sale of our current premises we are not taking new members. If you are on the list of people wanting to join, we will notify you if and when we can take new members (please submit name and email to be put on the wait list)

membership can be paid by EFT payment to

BSB 722 744 Account No. 100136665

please use your name as a reference


CPM is not a teaching institution but is primarily an open-access studio for artists.

Prospective members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the studio by visiting on any open day. Formal workshops are offered when there is sufficient interest.


Membership of CPM entitles you to studio facilities, materials at cost and participation in group exhibitions and collaborative projects.


note that

  • studio use is free for members rostered on duty

  • studio hire is on a shared basis

  • studio use is an artist space and is not for commercial printing

  • consumables such as inks and papers etc. must be paid for

  • studio uses tank water only and the use of chemicals is restricted

  • members are required to sign in when using the studio facilities

  • non members cannot use studio facilities or exhibit


By submitting an application you agree to be bound by the rules of the Constitution, workshop OH&S and rules and guidelines


Thanks for submitting!

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